Friday, June 8, 2018

Sausalito Views

The more I travel the more I relate to the following quote: "When you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go. I still dream of so many of the gorgeous places I got to see in my travels so far and it only makes me realize how much more there is to see and how little I've seen so far. For now I am happy to relive these gorgeous views while sharing some pictures of my holiday. 

Would you leave everything behind to go traveling?

Have a pink-tastic day!



  1. You look perfect for a summer trip! To me, it's the same: the more I travel the more I want to visit but also the more I see how privileged I am for what I have :)
    Have a nice saturday dear!


  2. Love how the beauty inside shines all the way Mz Carina !!

  3. Nice view at the beach, a salty tang to the air, sand in your shoes.

  4. The whiteness of the sand and the clarity of the water makes you more beautiful.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to write your lovely comment. I highly appreciate it and am happy I get to read all of them. You are the sweetest for sharing your amazing thoughts with me.
Hope you have the best day!

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