Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Skincare routine 2014

As promised today I'll share my skincare routine with you. I'll tell you step by step what I like to do and what products I'm using at the moment.

In the morning I wash my face with the "The Body Shop" Tea Tree cool and creamy wasch. It has a creamy texture, which makes it really hydrating and the tea tree oil is supposed to keep your face clean. Afterwards I use my Clinique toner, which I have talked about before so I won't get into it. For my eye cream, I use the vitamin E one from The Body Shop both in the mooring and at night. I really like it. It's very hydrating, as for any other properties I can't comment, since I don't have severe wrinkles or anything. For my moisturiser I like to use on that's targeted for dry and dehydrated skin. As I have mentioned before, my skin is really dry and dehydrated. 

At night I use The Body Shop Tea Tree Scrub, which has little exfoliating buds inside. I tend to use it if I went to the gym or wore make up that day, otherwise I'll use the creamy wash again. The scrub tends to strip your face from it's natural oils, so I wouldn't use it on a daily basis if you have dry skin like I do. Followed up by toner and my eye cream, the same ones I use for my morning routine. At night time I sometimes use coconut oil as my serum or moisturiser. If I use it as a serum than I'll apply a cream on top of it, after letting it sink into my skin for a couple of minutes.

If I have any spots I'll apple the Clinique spot gel. During the summer time I like to spritz my face with thermal water and I use the La Roche Posay one. I have three types of mask in my routine at the moment : a clay mask with acai, a charcoal mask and a natural mask. I alternate them and apple one every three or four days. In the last picture I popped a bit of the masks and face washes on my hand so you can see the texture they have.

Have a pink-tastic day!
The first pale blueish one is the clay mask with acai, next the Origins charcoal mask, The Body Shop cool and creamy wash, The Body Shop Scrub and the natural mask from Alverde.

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