Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Los Angeles

Hi Dolls!

I know I had announced February as my traveling month, but since I got the opportunity to travel and capture in pictures some wonderful places, I want to prolong the traveling posts. I want to share with you all the places I got to see. So "officially" I declare March also a traveling month.

I will also write outfit posts, as I have been in February, but expect a lot of traveling posts.

Have a pink-tastic day!

 Walt Disney Concert Hall

 Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral

 Los Angeles Times
Chinese Theatre 
 Walk of Fame


1 comment

  1. Schöne Fotos! :)
    Ich habe dich übrigens für den "Mein liebster Award" nominiert:

    Liebe Grüße,
    Lynndgren Lynndström.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to write your lovely comment. I highly appreciate it and am happy I get to read all of them. You are the sweetest for sharing your amazing thoughts with me.
Hope you have the best day!

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