I want to experiment more with my hair and try to recreate a lot more styles. Honestly I'm not talented enough to try anything complicated, so most of the styles I recreate are braided ones, since this comes easy to me. I get my inspiration from Pinterest big surprise there.
You will need :
- 3 clear elastic bands
- 6 bobby pins
- hairspray ( if you want )
The hairstyle is really easy and honestly speaking looked a lot better in the inspiration picture, but since it was my first time I think it went pretty well. First of all make sure your hair is tangle free, which is the most important step. I braided (dutch or french braid -whatever you prefer, since both work ) on a diagonal on both sides of my head (tied each braid separately) and tied them at the back using a clear elastic band. Then make a bun out of them and patiently pin everything in place. Ideally you would use bobby pins that match your hair colour and try to hide the pins, which makes for a cleaner look. I wasn't seeing what I was doing and didn't have any help, so some of my bobby pins are visible. I'm sure practice makes perfect so perhaps next time it will look even better.
Have a pink-tastic day!
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