Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Food Diary #10

On todays Food Diary post I want to talk about home cooked meals. I love cooking, but am quite understanding that some people do not enjoy such activities. Here are some reasons why I love it: I can make anything healthier by controlling what goes into my meals, I can adjust everything to my taste palette and cooking is fun, for me at least.

This doesn't mean I don't enjoy eating out, but I am trying to be more health conscious and care for my body. It's ok to have cheat days, so don't get upset if you eat out, but try to have just a cheat day or two per week. If you're someone who hates cooking or just like to eat out a lot, try to find some healthier restaurants or healthier alternatives at your favourite restaurants.

Have a pink-tastic day!

We made a healthy pineapple cake with whole wheat flour instead of white one, coconut milk instead of cow milk, coconut oil instead of butter, etc on the healthy alternatives. It turned out amazing, I hadn't expected it to be this good.

I love soups, almost any kind. They are packed with nutrients, perfect for fall and winter or anytime you feel like having something warm and light. This time I prepared a pumpkin soup topped with some parsley and pumpkin seed oil. 
Dinner was really light and consisted of sweet potato oven baked fries and fish. Don't worry I didn't eat all the fish, it would have been too much. Currently I'm doing a mild detoxification by adopting a pescetarian diet. The idea is after a while to eat vegan for a couple of weeks and after the first vegan week to have a day of juicing. I know not everyone agrees this is wise, but I want to try it out. I'll keep you updated what kind of juices I'll drink on said day.


1 comment

  1. Awesome post..




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